St Michael's
C.E. Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

Arts Council

At St Michael’s we value the creative arts and the impact that it can have on children. 

Alongside students experiencing engaging art and music lessons, we encourage drama to be used as a valuable teaching method across the curriculum. We hold music in high regard within the day to day running of school and art work is celebrated around the building. 

We have elected a newly formed Arts Council with two children per class from Years 1-6 who will meet with Miss Byrne and other staff members each half term. 

We are working towards achieving ArtsMark status and over this academic year, we aim to improve and enhance our arts offer by:

- organising showcases

- ensuring we are catering for the needs of our pupils

- reviewing and commenting on their learning and progress

- inviting professional artists, companies and partnership to come and work with our children. 

Arts Council 2023-2024